Title IX Defense
SacramentoTitle IX Defense Attorney
Being accused of a Title IX violation can have a serious negative impact on your reputation, your academic career, and your future.
Title IX Defense Lawyer
Richard Dudek is Certified as a Specialist in Criminal Law by The State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization.
A student has procedural rights enshrined in the state and federal constitutions, Title IX and Department of Education regulations, and the Civil Code, to challenge the evidence supporting allegations of misconduct and to present relevant evidence to the Title IX investigator before the university concludes its investigation and decides on the sanctions to be imposed.
Being accused of a Title IX violation, much less found guilty of one, can have a serious negative impact on your reputation, your academic career, and your future. Sadly, many students who are accused of Title IX violations are not treated fairly by school administrators. Instead, they may be denied important procedural protections or have their cases decided by administrators who are already biased against them.
If your school has failed to provide you with accurate information about your rights during Title IX proceedings, don’t worry Richard Dudek knows your rights in detail. As your Title IX attorney in California, he will keep a close watch on school administrators’ handling of your case and make sure they do not get away with violating your rights. Here are some of the most important rights you will need to exercise:
- The right to be interviewed before any interim suspensions are imposed.
- The right to review the accusation and evidence against you prior to the hearing.
- The right to present witnesses and other evidence at the hearing.
- The right to have a Title IX attorney in California present during meetings and proceedings.
Experience in criminal defense is also valuable in Title IX cases, because it enables him to provide expert analysis of the evidence against you and reliable advice regarding the best strategy for your defense.
For some Title IX offenses, you may have the option of informal or formal conflict resolution proceedings. Either way, Sacramento Title IX Defense atorney Richard Dudek will fight for your best interests. For example, if you want to admit guilt, you may be able to do this before the hearing and receive more lenient discipline. He will never give up and will find a way to defend you even when the odds are highly stacked against you. Whether an administrative investigation has been triggered as a result of a DUI conviction, you are dealing with a legal matter that crosses into civil, criminal and administrative law or you are seeking to appeal a wrongful decision, Sacramento Title IX Defense atorney Richard Dudek can and WILL help you.
Message to Parents
For many children fresh out of high school, college is a time of exploration – a time where, for the first time in their lives, they are away from their parents and able to make their own decisions. Most of them will make wise choices. For others, unfortunately, sometimes the independence is overwhelming and they meet the wrong type of people or start hanging out with a crowd that isn’t very concerned with their academic futures nor that of your children’s and before you know it, your otherwise good kid can be coerced into making some not so good choices. We all know that the freedom to make decisions can come at a cost, especially if a decision leads to a criminal offense.
Your first instinct is to try to shield your child from the dangers out there, and because of their minimal life experiences, young adults may not know what to do after an arrest or even realize they can protect their rights by obtaining an attorney. They may unwittingly admit to a crime or accept a plea deal that could end up getting them kicked out of school or something much worse.
As parents, it is our job to protect our children, even if it’s from their own mistakes. With help from Attorney Richard Dudek, you can do just that.
There are a number of common criminal offenses college students may face, including:
- Drug charges – such as possession of marijuana, narcotics or prescription medication.
- Alcohol-related crimes – including underage drinking, possession of a fake ID and driving under the influence.
- Assault charges – because of a bar fight or an altercation at a sports game or other public event.
- Property crimes – including theft, shoplifting or damaging someone else’s property.
- Sex offenses – such as false accusations of rape or sexual assault.
Because of their naiveté about the law, they may do or say something during encounters with police that creates major problems during prosecution. In the end, a young adult may unintentionally violate their own rights without even knowing it.
Contact Sacramento Title IX Defense Attorney
Whether your child is facing potential penalties from the criminal justice system or from their school, they may need your help guiding them through possibly the worst situation of their lives. With the help of Sacramento Title IX Defense attorney Richard Dudek , you can ensure you are giving proper guidance that truly has your child’s best interests in mind.